Saturday, May 3, 2014

2 Corinthians 5:20

“On behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God” (2 Cor 5:20).

FIFTY YEARS AGO THE MAJORITY OF CHRISTIANS WERE IN AGREEMENT that sin is determined according to divine revelation for all human beings created by God, and not according to human sentiments, or feelings, or subjectivism, or relativism of each person. How can one “be reconciled to God” when we do not know and we do not want to know what is a sin according to God?

SIN HAS ATTACKED THE “HIERARCHY OF VALUES”. Man wants to be God. Man’s body revolts against his soul, and the soul capitulates and rejects the primacy of the spirit. Thus bodily feelings dominate the mind, and both dominate the spirit. Morality become topsy-turvy, confused and relativistic. The natural law of God is rejected. Unnatural relationships become fashionable and claim the same rights as natural relationships. Divine revelation and law are rejected; our civilization declines and falls.

RELATIVISM, according to Pope Benedict XVI, is "the most profound difficulty of our time." ( In his homily at the Mass preceding the conclave that quickly elected him Pope Benedict XVI, then Cardinal Ratzinger said: “Today, having a clear faith based on the Creed of the Church is often labeled as fundamentalism. Whereas relativism, that is, letting oneself be "tossed here and there, carried about by every wind of doctrine", seems the only attitude that can cope with modern times. WE ARE BUILDING A DICTATORSHIP OF RELATIVISM that does not recognize anything as definitive and whose ultimate goal consists solely of one's own ego and desires.” (;

WHEN SOME PRIESTS CRITICIZE ME because I have “a clear faith based on the Creed of the Church”, they never say to me that I have made a mistake according to some document of the Church; I would be very happy if they did so! And when I presented to them what some of the documents of the Church or writings of the Popes indicated to explain my position, I do not recall even one time that one of these priest ever saying to me that he would like to read this document so as to seek the truth together, but instead, a priori, they criticize me, judge me and condemn me without even looking at these documents!?! Spoiled children say: “It’s not true, it’s not right” without offering an explanation accompanied by documents. Instead adults, mature people say “it’s not right”, but they offer an explanation accompanied by documents. If what I say is not totally in agreement with the personal relativism of these priests, that which I offer is criticized and refused immediately a priori. These same priests, instead, accused me of selecting the documents that I like and throwing out the rest, which is their way of projecting their relativism on me, of indicating that I too am a relativist like everyone else and so let us all be happy in relativism! This seems to me somewhat similar to a child who says to his parents to shut up because they too are sinners.

EVEN THE MAJORITY OF THE PRIESTS AND BISHOPS ARE NO LONGER IN AGREEMENT THAT THERE EXISTS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH outside of ourselves upon which to base a dialogue in order to arrive at a conclusion. Everyone happily has their own opinion about fundamental truths, of what is good and evil, just as Adam and Eve after the Original Sin (Gen 3:4-5). But this leads us to the “DICTATORSHIP OF RELATIVISM” because the laws will no longer be based on divine revelation in which the strong help the weak, but on who is the strongest and can impose his laws on all the rest. Might makes right, as in hell!

Today a great number of Catholics want, with the blessing (at least tacitly) of the priests and bishops, A CHRISTIANITY WITHOUT THE CROSS AND WITHOUT THESE “GUILT COMPLEXES” THAT WERE CALLED SIN. And thus very few Catholics today go to confession and many go to the psychiatrists which costs much more than to confess ones sins to a priest, who often, unfortunately, is not found in the confessional in the churches.

But many who still go to confession , do not understand anymore what is a sin according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, a great gift the Pope John Paul II gave to us in 1992! The secretary of the Congregation for Clergy, Archbishop Mauro Piacenza, has lamented that many faithful no longer confess their sins. Archbishop Piacenza told Vatican Radio (June 5, 2009) the sacrament of penance has been experiencing a "deep crisis" for decades. Piacenza, an official for the Vatican office on clergy, says FEWER PEOPLE DISTINGUISH BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL, and as a result do not go to confession. The archbishop said in an interview that if faithful do not have a sense of sin, they might "CONFUSE" CONFESSION WITH "THE COUCH OF A PSYCHOLOGIST OR A PSYCHIATRIST." He says the Vatican plans to publish this year (2009) a “vademecum for confessors and spiritual directors”. (

I added to the last “Spiritual Food” the following paragraphs:

Regarding the wild proposals of Cardinal Kasper made before the last Consistory of Cardinals regarding legitimizing by way of Eucharistic communion the "remarriage" of divorced couples (we could call the Kasper Doctrine of "mariages sauvages"), Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, Archbishop of Bologna, had the firmest possible words in an interview to Matteo Matzuzzi published this Saturday in Il Foglio: …”

Our Lady of Akita, Japan (1973): “The work of the devil will infiltrate even the Church in such a way that one will see CARDINALS OPPOSING CARDINALS, bishops against other bishops. The priests who venerate Me will be scorned and opposed by their conferees… churches and altars sacked, the Church will be full of those who accept compromise …” (

DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS, “On behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God”, but according to God’s criteria and NOT MAN’S CRITERIA!

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An Experience of Life:

We have 3 children, who we love very much. When David and Irene were born, like all babies they required of us a lot of energy in order to find a new equilibrium in our family. But with Alessia, the third child, it was a special adventure. She was born apparently sound and beautiful, but after a few days, from the first examinations of the chromosomal map we knew that she had Down syndrome. There were difficult moments and unconsciously we were hoping in an error in the diagnosis. It was like an unexpected earthquake, as if the rug was pulled out from under our feet… But we wanted to believe that every child is a gift of God and – even in sorrow – we felt that this situation was part of His design of love. After a few days, a geneticist doctor confirmed the diagnosis but she did not tell us much about the gravity of the handicap, but rather that the love that we could give to Alessia would be the most efficacious therapy. It was that which we realized in the depth of our hearts: we were the protagonists in this event, we the parents, with the other two children, with our families and our friends… Together we helped Alessia to grow in every way. Today we can say without hesitation that Alessia is a gift for us and for those who are near. She is a source of joy, of serenity. She has helped to make grow the love between us two above all, and then with the children a more mature love developed, a greater love. They themselves compete to kiss her when they come back from school and they tell us that we are fortunate to have had a special child such as Alessia!

Aurelia and Giorgio